Weed threats
Australian grapegrowers face a range of weed pressures which require ongoing management. This includes being vigilant in checking tyres and footwear and thoroughly washing down machinery and equipment before moving onto and off properties to avoid pick up and spread of weeds.
Some pest plants known as Declared plants, are a significant threat to agriculture and landowners have a legal responsibility to manage these plants.
In South Australia, the Natural Resources Management (NRM) Act 2004 sets out the legal framework for:
- Banning the sale of declared weeds;
- Controlling the movement of declared weeds;
- Destroying or controlling infestations of declared weeds; and
- Notifying authorities when an infestation is detected.
Need help identifying weeds?
- See our news story on the SA Weed App
In this WEEDS section, we outline some of the major declared pest plants to South Australian viticultural properties.