Contractors are important eyes and ears in our vineyards, and this makes you a group able to rapidly pick up anything that might look strange or out of place. Here are some important factors when considering reporting a pest or disease on a property on which you are working:

  • Pest reporting is very time sensitive, so quickly ask someone else to check your find
  • You are obliged to report any suspect pest, however it is courtesy that you advise the owner and first agree who will undertake the reporting
  • To report your find, call the Exotic Plant Pest Helpline on 1800 084 881, and you will be put through to the biosecurity department of the state you are in
  • In South Australia, you can also contact Vinehealth Australia on (08) 8273 0550 for assistance
  • When you reach out to report a suspect pest or disease, be prepared to describe what you saw and exactly where it was. It’s a good idea to take photos to help with this. Don’t take any plant material off the property unless instructed to do so by the state biosecurity officers or Vinehealth Australia.

Reporting a breach:

  • Call Redline on 1800 803 006
  • Call Vinehealth Australia or report online.