Tip#1: Vintage is a time when there is significant movement of people, machinery and equipment onto and off properties. Use our TOOLS to help you to be biosecurity-ready.
Tip#2: What’s in your induction program for vintage employees and contractors? Have you included your biosecurity practices and expectations? See our top 10 poster for inspiration.
Tip#3: Are you planning to import a grape harvester from interstate? Ensure it meets the legal entry requirements into SA prior to and upon importation. Refer to the SA PQS for details.
Tip#4: Are you planning to use a machine harvesting contractor? Adopt a clean in, clean out policy. What facilities will you supply onsite to ensure the harvester can leave your vineyard clean of soil and grapevine material?
Tip#5: Where are you sourcing your grapes from? Have you checked the biosecurity regulations associated with winegrape movement into or within your state?
Tip#6: Planning to truck your winegrapes interstate for processing? Contact the receiving state biosecurity department and your purchaser to understand the legal movement requirements.
Tip#7: Planning to undertake hand harvesting? Be ready to implement best practice farm-gate hygiene for visitor footwear and clothing to keep your vineyard, region and state safe.
Tip#8: Have you considered that pests can be transferred from vine to vine on picking snips? Ensure you disinfect them before use on your property as well as between blocks – especially those with known pest issues. Refer to the disinfestation protocol.
Tip#9: Communicating important biosecurity information to seasonal workers as part of vintage planning? Check out our Seasonal Workers multi-language fact sheet available in English, Vietnamese, Urdu, Hindi, Thai and Dari.
Tip#10: Make sure you know the regulated endemic and exotic pests and diseases that you and your staff should keep watch for in vineyards and wineries. Report suspected cases to 1800 084 881 or to Vinehealth.
Tip#11: If you see a biosecurity incident during vintage or anytime, you can report it to Vinehealth Australia on (08) 8273 0550 or via our online form and we’ll investigate.
Tip#12: Looking to move machinery or equipment into/out of the Limestone Coast from/to other parts of SA during #V21? Consider the Naracoorte Heat Shed for machinery and equipment disinfestation. Phone Sarah Bird (Heat Shed Manager) on 0429 430 641 to make a booking.