Ever spotted unusual leaf symptoms or an insect you’ve never seen before in the vineyard, and considered if it could be new to Australia?
Vinehealth has produced an eye-catching poster to help grapegrowers identify 10 high priority plant pests and diseases not yet in Australia, as well as two reportable endemic pests. These pests and diseases were identified as high priority threats to the viticulture industry in the ‘Biosecurity Manual for the Viticulture Industry’ produced by Plant Health Australia, in conjunction with viticulture peak industry bodies and Wine Australia.
Our poster highlights a discernible characteristic of the pest or disease in question to help you validate your findings in the field. We have produced two other helpful tools to be used in conjunction with the poster:
- A world map showing where the pests and diseases have been found to date.
- A descriptive table identifying the characteristic symptoms, which plant parts are generally affected, the impact of the pest/disease and key times for monitoring.
Vinehealth will be distributing this poster in coming weeks. You can also download the poster, print it and pin it up in multiple high traffic areas around your office, shed, lunchroom or lab – and encourage your staff to get acquainted with these pests.