Vinehealth Australia would like to advise industry of:
1. A new Queensland Fruit Fly (Qfly) outbreak in Salisbury North.
As a result of finding Queensland fruit flies in the Adelaide metropolitan suburb of Salisbury North, PIRSA has declared a QFF outbreak, ‘Salisbury North’ on 4 March 2024. The earliest anticipated reinstatement date for this outbreak is 27 May 2024.
2. Interim action required by industry.
The declaration of the Salisbury North QFF outbreak has triggered a 1.5 km radius Corrective Action Zone (previously known as the red Outbreak Area) and a 15 km radius Export Assurance Zone (previously known as the yellow Suspension Area) being placed around the Epicentre of the fruit fly detections. Collectively these Zones are known as the Controlled Movement Zone (previously known as the Fruit Fly Affected Area).
Restrictions now apply to the movement of winegrapes out of, into and transiting this Controlled Movement Zone. These restrictions now have impacts on vineyard owners, receiving wineries and carriers.
Whole winegrapes in the form of grape bunches, berries and grape maturity samples are the only winegrape products for which movement restrictions are imposed; being categorised as ‘fruit fly host produce’. There are NO implications for movement of grape juice, must, marc or wine.