Thank you to the many growers who have recently updated their Vineyard Records or advised of no changes. We know you’re busy at this time of year and we value your attention to this task.

If you are yet to review and update your records, we urge you to do this at your earliest convenience before we close off our financial year at 30 April. At this date we create invoices based on current planting area, and we undertake a range of reporting for industry.

The value of the Vinehealth Register as a resource for industry is only maximised when we have accurate information. It’s also a requirement of the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995 for the details held by the Register to be up to date.

For assistance with updating Vineyard Records, please contact Vinehealth’s Systems Manager Jo Bainbridge on 08 8273 0550 or between 8.30am and 4.30pm Monday to Thursday.