Vinehealth Australia recently published an Industry Notice for growers and winemakers moving winegrapes into, within and out of the fruit fly affected areas of the Riverland. The movement requirements apply to movement of harvested winegrapes and maturity samples of grape bunches and berries processed off the vineyard.

This is a friendly reminder for growers to initiate a conversation with your contracted winery on winegrape movement requirements before vintage starts.

Unsure which fruit fly zones, if any, your vineyards or receiving vineyards are in? Check the PIRSA fruit fly map to find out the current situation. Vinehealth also recently advised each vineyard owner in the Riverland of this information, either by text, email or mail.

If you operated under an ICA-33 or CA-01 accreditation last year and are yet to receive your vintage 2024 reaccreditation documentation, please contact PIRSA to have it emailed through. Other methods of delivery may add delays to processing and reaccreditation. If you are applying for new accreditation, please contact PIRSA directly.

PIRSA and Vinehealth Australia will continue to advise industry of all new fruit fly outbreaks.

If you are still uncertain about the options for sending or receiving winegrapes available to your business given your particular circumstances, we advise you to contact PIRSA via the methods below:

Alternatively, please contact Warren Birchmore at Vinehealth Australia by calling 0417 982 970 or emailing