If you use contractors to assist with your vineyard management activities, it’s important that biosecurity expectations are addressed as part of the contracting process.

Clarity in contract wording can minimise assumptions on what biosecurity activities will be undertaken, how they will be done, who will do what, and what proof is required.

Your contractors should be committed to maintaining biosecurity practices that protect both your business and theirs from the risk of biosecurity events.

Accordingly, the contractor should be committed to:

  • Meeting all relevant legal biosecurity obligations.
  • Training their staff in biosecurity awareness and procedures.
  • Arriving clean and leaving clean.
  • Supplying agreed evidence (written or photographic) of pre- arrival cleanliness and pre-exit cleanliness of all machinery and equipment.
  • Signing in and signing out all staff, equipment and machinery.

Quotes from contractors should also consider:

  • Time to clean prior to arrival on our property.
  • Time to clean prior to departure from your property.
  • Fees and charges relating to required biosecurity documentation and inspections.

Vineyard owners should also consider providing contractors with:

  • Suitable washdown and cleaning areas for footwear, machinery and equipment.
  • Cleaning equipment and the appropriate volumes of water and solutions required for footbaths, which can be moved around the site as required.
  • Disposable shoe covers or site footwear.