Vinehealth Australia (Vinehealth) advises that the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) has reclassified the Mornington Peninsula as a Phylloxera Exclusion Zone (PEZ) from a Phylloxera Risk Zone (PRZ), for the purposes of imports into South Australia. Entry requirements for regulated phylloxera risk vectors from the Mornington Peninsula have therefore changed according to South Australia’s Plant Quarantine Standard.

With Vinehealth mandated under the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995 to assess the relative threat to the State’s vineyards posed by phylloxera, we advise industry that:

  • Our in-depth assessment of the rezoning program has determined that this change is not without risk to South Australia.
  • In articulating the risks identified, Vinehealth advised contrary to the PIRSA decision.
  • Vinehealth’s and PIRSA’s risk appetites and viewpoints on this decision vary but are both valid.


Industry Notice: SA accepts Mornington Peninsula as a Phylloxera Exclusion Zone