Grapevine Red Blotch Virus (GRBV) has been detected in Western Australian and Victorian germplasms and now, GRBV has also been confirmed in South Australian vines.

These detections occurred as the result of routine screening for a range of viruses and follow up tracing, not as a result of visual symptoms. It appears GRBV has been present in Australia for at least 30 years, meaning that this is not a new incursion, rather detections of a long-standing infection.

We understand growers and winemakers in the South Australian industry will want to know what this detection means for them.

Together with the South Australian Vine Improvement Association, Wine Grape Council SA and South Australian Wine Industry Association, we have developed a set of Q&As to help you better understand the current situation.

We are grateful for the assistance of grapevine virus experts in Australia who have reviewed this set of Q&As.

Click here to read the GRBV Q&A.

In addition, the Australian Wine Research Institute has updated its GRBV fact sheet and you can find it here

We encourage you to familiarise with the Q&As and the GRBV fact sheet and importantly, maintain good general virus preventative management programs, including regular vineyard monitoring for virus-like symptoms and potential vectors.

If you are about to receive or have just received propagation material, or have material in cold storage, please contact your supplier to discuss the virus status of this material, and the diagnostic laboratories listed in the AWRI fact sheet for advice on testing, including cost.