Vinehealth Australia levy payments were due on 12 July. Thank you to all vineyard owners who have paid on time.
Can’t find your Notice of Assessment? Not sure if you’ve paid? Not sure how to read your Notice of Assessment? Our friendly Systems Manager Jo Bainbridge is just a phone call away on 08 8273 0550 Monday to Thursday to answer any questions about your levy payment.
A reminder was recently issued to late payers. Outstanding amounts may relate to previous periods. If you have any concerns, please feel welcome to contact us. And please disregard the reminder if you have paid in the last few days.
As has been the case for more than 25 years, the levy rate per hectare for 2021-22 remains unchanged at $9.50. This equates to approximately $740,000 per year in funding for Vinehealth.
Vinehealth is extremely proud of the work delivered for industry and government based on this funding.
The levy enables us to carry out the biosecurity activities that help to keep South Australian vineyards healthy and productive.
If you’d like to know more about our activities, click here to read our Strategic Agenda 2021 to 2026. You can also read our Annual Reports here.