With rapid vine growth and unpredictable weather at this time of the year, you’re bound to be on the lookout for traditional pests and diseases in your vines.

If you come across any unusual leaf symptoms or an insect you’ve never seen before in the vineyard, we recommend you cross-check these against Vinehealth Australia’s eye-catching ‘If You Spot Me, Report Me’ poster.

This poster will help you identify the key discernible characteristics of 10 high priority plant pests and diseases not yet in Australia, as well as two reportable endemic pests, phylloxera and fruit fly.

We’ve created some additional tools to complement this poster, including a descriptive table which identifies the common symptoms, which plant parts are generally affected, the impact of the pest/disease and key times for monitoring.

We recommend you download the poster, print it and pin it up in multiple high traffic areas around your office, shed or lunchroom and encourage your staff to get acquainted with these pests.

As always, if you have questions about the pest or disease you’ve found, we recommend you contact the Emergency Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881, or in SA call Vinehealth Australia on 08 8273 0550.