The Vinehealth Australia 2018 Annual Report is coming your way soon, and it’s packed with information about our operations in the past 12 months.

It’s out a bit later this year. Pursuant to Section 26 (1) of the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995, Vinehealth Australia must submit a report on its operations during its May to April financial year by no later than 31 July in each year.

However, the Premier and Cabinet Circular 013 – Annual Reporting Requirements for 2017-18 – was only released on 13 August. So, to ensure compliance with the circular, Vinehealth Australia was granted an extension to submit the 2017-18 Report on 30 September 2018.

Highlights of the report include:

  • Details of the improvements we’ve made to phylloxera and general biosecurity awareness and education.
  • Information about how we’ve strengthened biosecurity research and development investment and assisted with the translation of science into practical solutions for the industry.
  • Details of response activities to suspected or confirmed exotic or declared endemic pests.
  • An update on our plans for the new digital biosecurity platform.
  • Details of the assistance we provide to the grape industry.

The report is currently in final draft form, and once it is finalised and submitted to the Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development, we will ensure all registered vineyard owners receive a copy by email or post.

We’ll also post a copy of the report on our website. You can find copies of all our previous annual reports here.