Signage continues to be a popular farm-gate hygiene tool, with sales figures for 2022-23 showing almost 300 Vinehealth biosecurity signs were sold.
Vinehealth’s consumer-facing signage comes in a range of designs with different messages to suit different sites, including our popular ‘Please don’t walk amongst our vines’ sign.
A total of 107 consumer-facing signs were sold in 2022-23, throughout wine regions.
Vinehealth’s non-consumer-facing signage comes in the traditional red and white design, with two versions available: ‘please respect farm biosecurity’ and ‘please respect vineyard biosecurity’.
A total of 176 non-consumer-facing signs were sold in 2022-23, throughout wine regions.
“We’ve seen a clear trend in the most popular consumer-facing sign styles, with the ‘Please Don’t Walk Amongst our Vines’ sign, followed by the ‘Enjoy Our Wines, Protect Our Vines’ sign the most popular,” said Suzanne McLoughlin, Vinehealth Australia Acting CEO.
“’We have some of the oldest vines in the world’ and ‘Be part of our Australian wine story’ are also popular versions. And the majority of signs purchased have been those with an image, as opposed to text only.
If you’re looking for biosecurity signage, please visit our website and take a look at the design and size options.
We encourage you to have your name and phone number printed on your non-consumer-facing signs so visitors can easily contact you before they enter your property, and we add this for free.
For sign order forms and sign placement ideas, click here for consumer-facing signage, and click here for non-consumer-facing signage information.
Have you recently purchased signs from Vinehealth Australia? Send us a picture of you beside your new sign and tell us how it has assisted with your biosecurity efforts. We’ll then include your photo and quote on our Biosecurity Supporters webpage.
Vinehealth Australia gratefully acknowledges the significant volume of biosecurity sign purchases from Sustainable Winegrowing Australia members.