In response to another industry contacting us to see if they could use our footwear and small hand tool disinfestation protocol poster, we’ve decided to refine it a little.

We have emphasised that while the disinfestation process presented is relevant to all other industries, the use of chlorine is specific as a disinfectant for phylloxera and shouldn’t be used in preference of known disinfectants for use against other pests and diseases.

“We’re thrilled that other industries are finding our tools useful, and we encourage sharing of our numerous resources,” said Inca Lee, CEO of Vinehealth Australia.

“But it is important to check that biosecurity protocols used in the wine industry for disinfestation are suitable for other industries before they are offered as best practice.”

Click here for the updated Footwear and Small Hand Tool Phylloxera Disinfestation Protocol poster.