In an effort to raise awareness about phylloxera prevention in the digital space, Vinehealth Australia ran a successful Instagram Influencer event in May, as part of the Responsible Visitation Campaign (RVC).

Our training manager Hayley Conolly hosted local Instagram micro and macro influencers on a famil to Adelaide Hills cellar door Tapanappa, to learn about responsible wine tourism in a fun and memorable way.

Guests at the Vinehealth Australia instagram influencers event.

The event featured videos, live music (including a specially written song about phylloxera just for the event), foot massages, food, a wine tasting and a visit from Phil the Phylloxera Guy. The objective was to raise awareness about phylloxera prevention among digital influencers and their communities.

“During the Wine Tourism Biosecurity Training Program that we’ve been running in regions in the past 12 months, we realised that communicating with Instagram influencers is critical,” Hayley said.

“From holidays to homewares, millennials make purchasing decisions from what they see online. Further to this, research conducted by Vinehealth Australia shows that 44% of females and 28% of males expect to take photos in vineyards as part of their cellar door experience.

“Images of people walking through vineyards on Instagram perpetuates the myth that it’s acceptable to do so, and this misinformation needs to be counteracted with education. That’s what our event was all about.”

Feedback from the event was extremely positive, with the 17 influencers in attendance reporting they were grateful to learn about a tiny pest that could do so much damage to our vineyards, and how people can help prevent its entry in SA.

“We made it easy for the influencers to share their newfound knowledge with their followers with cheat sheets, photos and videos provided,” Hayley said.

“One of the best measures of the event’s success is the 100% engagement rate from attendees. Every guest shared stories or posts on their Instagram accounts, repeating key messages in their own words.”

Results summary to date:

  • 17 Influencers
  • 57 Stories
  • 1,512,415 Impressions
  • 100% Engagement Rate
  • 32 Hashtags

Here are some examples of the great content the influencers shared: