Our popular biosecurity poster ‘Attention all grapegrowers’ is now also a handy fact sheet focused on the top 10 farm-gate hygiene activities for vineyard owners.
Farm-gate hygiene activities are site-specific biosecurity activities to minimise the risk of pest, disease and weed incursions on your property. These farm-gate hygiene activities should be part of your standard operating procedures.
“Best practice farm-gate hygiene can stop the spread of pests and diseases, including phylloxera. And adherence to farm-gate hygiene systems should be an expectation for staff and visitors throughout your vineyard, winery and cellar door,” said Vinehealth Australia CEO Inca Pearce.
The top 10 farm-gate hygiene activities cover:
- Links with interstate businesses
- Staff training
- Fencing and gates
- Signage
- Visitor records
- Vehicles
- Vine inspections
- Machinery and equipment
- Footwear
- Planting material
“Your commitment to biosecurity at the farm gate is a vital part of Australia’s biosecurity system. Biosecurity is a shared responsibility – we need to work collaboratively,” Inca said.
“If you can tick off the 10 key activities that we cover in the fact sheet, you are doing your bit to keep your vines safe and you are contributing to the security of the Australian wine industry.”
To download a copy of the Top 10 farm-gate hygiene actions fact sheet, click here: https://vinehealth.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/VHA-Farm-gate-hygiene-activities-fact-sheet.pdf
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