Vinehealth Australia has produced a striking poster to help you identify high priority exotic pests and reportable endemic pests and diseases that are a threat to the wine and grape industries.
The posters are accompanied by a suite of handy documents that will assist with your monitoring and identification, including:
- A world map showing the location of high priority pests and diseases;
- A descriptive table that offers more detailed information about the high priority pests and diseases; and
- Tips for vineyard monitoring.
“We encourage you to print copies of the poster and the other documents and put them up in your office or lunchroom. Share them with your staff and talk about the symptoms,” said Vinehealth Australia Technical Manager Suzanne McLoughlin.
“And make sure your vineyard team has a schedule for monitoring that is implemented and understood.
“Biosecurity risks are currently diverse and intensifying. There are more opportunities than ever for pests and diseases to reach Australia and establish in our vineyards.”
If you see any of these symptoms, report them promptly to the Exotic Plant Pest Hotline on 1800 084 881.
For a copy of the pest poster and the accompanying pest documents click here.