Australian and international visitors revelled in the entertainment and action during the Tour Down Under cycling race in January.
South Australian vineyard owners also enjoyed seeing the new event specific farm-gate signs we offered to growers whose properties bordered the Tour routes.
Here’s some of the feedback we received:
“The signs were colourful and eye-catching. The use of the large ‘STOP’ and the Tour Down Under logo differentiated these event-specific signs from other farm-gate hygiene signs, making people look twice, take more notice and respect the intent of the signs.”
“The signs seemed to have a positive effect of keeping people away from vineyards. We usually get vehicles parking across our driveway, blocking our access in and out and also parking in front our vines, but with the signs up this year we had no issues and saw more cars parked across the road.”
“Anything that draws attention to the wine industry and phylloxera threat has to be worthwhile. These signs create consistent messaging, which is a positive.”
“This feedback has validated our thoughts on the importance of raising the awareness of farm-gate hygiene with the general public during large events such as TDU, to ensure unauthorised people do not enter vineyards,” says Vinehealth Australia Technical Manager Suzanne McLoughlin.
“We’re planning to produce more Tour Down Under signs for next year’s event so if you’re on the route, make sure you take us up on our offer to hang a sign at your property in 2018.”