A communications plan has been developed for Vinehealth Australia to ensure we do a better job of communicating our activities with our most important stakeholders: vineyard owners.
In 2017 we will deliver a range of activities including a regional roadshow where we will meet with growers, regional industry bodies and community members, to discuss local issues and to deliver the latest information about biosecurity best practice.
We’ll also bring back the phylloxera immersion tour, where you’ll have the opportunity to visit phylloxera affected vineyards in Victoria.
We’ll up the ante with our content – we’ll create interesting stories and videos and do a better job of sharing them via regular newsletters, a more active website, media releases and more.
And we’ll start talking about the important projects we’ve established, such as the Vineyard Register and Grape Industry Kiosk, and others that we’re working on, such as Project Boundary Rider.
If you’d like to know more about the communications plan, contact Vinehealth Australia on (08) 8273 0550 or email