Heat shed for machinery disinfestation

The phylloxera heat shed at Naracoorte was the first purpose-built facility in South Australia for treating vineyard machinery to ensure that it is free from phylloxera. An initiative of the Limestone Coast Phylloxera Committee, the Heat Shed was constructed by Vinehealth Australia and the Naracoorte-Lucindale Council, with additional financial assistance from regional grapegrower groups, regional councils, the South Australian government and the Australian Government under its Regional Partnership Program.

Machinery and equipment used in vineyards, in particular, grape harvesters, are at high risk of spreading phylloxera, because they often harbour grapevine material or soil and are especially hard to clean. The only way to ensure that machinery is free of phylloxera is to ‘bake it’ in a heat shed at required time and temperature specifications. Strict hygiene requirements apply for the movement of all machinery and equipment (including harvesters) between phylloxera management zones and between States. You must refer to relevant State quarantine regulations before moving any machinery and equipment. Best practice also means heat-treating machinery and equipment working between wine regions within South Australia.

Fees – from 1 May 2024

Treatment starts & ends between 8am and 6pm Monday – Friday
Treatment starts and/or ends outside 8am and 6pm Monday – Friday
Where changes to start time are made by user with less than 8 hours notice – applied at the discretion of the Heat Shed Manager

*Note: Vinehealth has moved away from an Accredited User scheme for the heat shed. All treatments must only be conducted by the Heat Shed Manager.


To make a booking, please contact Sunbird Viticulture – Heat Shed Manager, on 0429 430 641.

Washdown facilities for vineyard machinery

One of the most effective deterrents against the spread of phylloxera into a vineyard is a washdown facility. This enables machinery to be cleaned to remove all dirt and plant material before entering the vineyard, which greatly reduces the risk of introducing phylloxera (or other soil-borne pests, diseases and weeds) into the vineyard.

Approximately 20 years ago, the then Phylloxera & Grape Industry Board of SA commissioned an engineering firm to develop detailed specifications for vineyard wash-down facilities. These contain sufficient information for a building application to be made to local councils. While it is expected that some of the information in these plans is outdated, the concepts may still be useful as a base from which to work.

There are two plans, to take into account different vineyard sizes.

Small vineyard facility

Includes two options, one for vineyards where a washdown can be located away from vines (uses rolled metal as the base) and the other for vineyards where waste cannot be effectively disposed away form vines (uses a concrete slab draining to settling pits).

Large vineyard or regional facility

For very large vineyards or for installation as a public facility for the use of contractors, transporters, growers, etc. Includes high use of recycling and filtering systems to reduce maintenance costs.


Naracoorte Heat Shed Factsheet