Vinehealth Australia advises that the Department of Primary Industries and Regions (PIRSA) declared a new Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) outbreak on 27 July 2022 at Loxton North, named “Loxton North D”.

This outbreak resulted from eight male fruit flies being detected in monitoring traps near a mandarin orchard just outside of the existing outbreak areas at Loxton North. This takes the tally to 14 Qfly outbreaks currently being managed by PIRSA in the Riverland. For PIRSA’s latest map of the Qfly outbreaks in the Riverland (as at 2 August 2022 and still current as at 22 August 2022), click here.

PIRSA advises residents and commercial growers living in the outbreak areas to be extra vigilant and pick up fallen fruit to prevent opportunities for fruit fly to breed, especially as the weather warms and the flies become more active.

From 1 August, PIRSA have been releasing 20 million male sterile fruit flies per week at a rate of around 3,000 per hectare in efforts to bring the fruit fly situation under control.

Vinehealth Australia continues to work with Riverland Wine and PIRSA to assist the fruit fly operations in the Riverland.

To check if your vineyard is in a red outbreak area or yellow suspension area, use PIRSA’s online mapping tool to lookup your address.

Growers can find information in the Industry support section of the PIRSA fruit fly website or call the Industry Hotline on 1800 255 556.

For more information or if you suspect fruit fly, visit to check the map or call the Fruit Fly Hotline on 1300 666 010.