Thank you to those growers who have returned their Vineyard Record changes. We’ve had a great response to date.

With less than a week until the 31 January deadline, we ask you to take the time now to review your record, make any necessary changes and submit, if you haven’t already.

“We need vineyard owners to make this a priority before vintage really ramps up. An accurate Register enables Vinehealth to effectively conduct its biosecurity activities,” said Inca Lee, Vinehealth Australia CEO.

“The levy notice you receive each May is based on the planting information held in the Register, so it’s important that the information is accurate so that your levy is calculated correctly.”

You can submit your changes using the Reply Paid envelope you received with your Vineyard Record, or by using the online Register Kiosk. You can also phone our Office Manager Jo Bainbridge on (08) 8273 0550 from Monday to Thursday or email for assistance.

If you’ve updated your record in the Register Kiosk, but have not received your confirmation of changes made, please ensure that you have SUBMITTED your return. We currently have 98 records in the Kiosk with changes that have not been submitted and without correct submission, we are unable to review and approve your changes.

For a guide on how to update and submit changes to your vineyard record via the kiosk, click here.

This process of checking the accuracy of your Vineyard Record is part of your obligations as a registered vineyard owner in South Australia under the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995.

Inaccuracy of your records can compromise the ability of Vinehealth to undertake critical activities to prevent a pest outbreak, or to manage an outbreak to contain and thus minimise the impact on vineyard owners, winemakers and the broader industry.

Changes to vineyard records received after the levy notice has been generated and sent out in May creates additional administrative burden for both yourself and Vinehealth, thus creating inefficiencies in the system. South Australian vineyard owners are, therefore, strongly encouraged to act now and send any changes to their records prior to the 31 January 2022.

Thank you to all those vineyard owners who have already submitted changes since the Vineyard Record was distributed in late 2021.