PIRSA has expanded its fruit fly tools with a new resource kit for travellers, consisting of posters, brochures and an online guide to the fruit, vegetables, foods and plants that can be brought into South Australia from other states and territories.

The resource kit also includes a key messages document for tourism operators, to assist them with communicating to their customers about restrictions in South Australia. This document covers:

  • Key information about quarantine restrictions in SA
  • Rules for travelling into South Australia from interstate
  • Rules for travelling into the Riverland from within SA
  • Further restrictions that apply in current fruit fly affected areas
  • Tips for packing snacks when travelling
  • A list of quarantine stations
  • A list of quarantine bins

“As we all know, there are certain fruits, vegetables, plants and foods that cannot be brought into South Australia, and the Riverland Pest Free Area in particular. Creating resources to help the community and tourism operators to communicate this information is really important and we commend PIRSA on their efforts,” said Inca Lee, CEO of Vinehealth Australia.

“When you’re communicating this information to your customers, it’s a good opportunity to remind them not to enter vineyards, as they may unwittingly introduce a pest.

“This is all about keeping our vineyards, our horticultural crops and our industries and communities that rely on them, pest-free and productive.”