With effective digital communication now being more important than ever, we decided to upgrade our website this year. Our aims were to review and update our content, make our resources easier to find and provide a more user-friendly experience.

We’re thrilled to report that our new website is now live at www.vinehealth.com.au.

Features of the new site include:

  • A comprehensive TOOLS section, containing fact sheets, maps, posters, signage, footwear resources, projects and more.
  • A new RULES section that includes biosecurity plans and policies and state movement regulations, including a national biosecurity department contact list and a comprehensive ‘Steps for Importing Machinery into SA’ guide.
  • A new PESTS section that includes our Current Outbreaks summary, which will be updated as outbreaks occur and evolve, as well as guides to key pests, diseases and weeds, including phylloxera, and forms for reporting pests.
  • A NEW TO INDUSTRY page containing summary of key biosecurity information, the levy, the Register and links to resources.
  • A NEWS section, containing your latest biosecurity news, Biosecurity Alerts, Industry Notices, media releases, videos, the SA Winegrape Crush Survey and more.

Importantly, this website will be directly linked to the new Digital Biosecurity Platform, which will replace the Register once built. This will put a digital vineyard map into every vineyard owner’s hands.

In the meantime, you can still log onto the Register Kiosk via the Vinehealth website, to update your Vineyard Records.

Please browse our new site and tell us what you think. What else would you like to see added? Send your feedback to admin@vinehealth.com.au