Vinehealth Australia’s Register of every vineyard in South Australia of 0.5 hectares or more is a key asset and biosecurity tool, which enables swift response activities.

But like all technology, the Register needs a refresh. Vinehealth Australia is planning a Digital Biosecurity Platform to replace the Register, to better support all parts of biosecurity management, including planning, response management and surveillance.

It is also envisaged that this Platform will act as a key conduit between vineyard owners and Agtech providers to ensure enhanced vineyard management.

In 2020/21, a Discovery Phase was completed for the Digital Biosecurity Platform build with our preferred supplier, Coruscant Digital. This detailed the system requirements, design and architecture, providing a roadmap for the build.

“The completion of the Discovery Phase represents a significant milestone for this project. The next step is to commence the build,” said Inca Lee, Vinehealth Australia CEO. “We’re currently investigating funding opportunities.”

Ongoing accuracy of vineyard owner, land parcel information and planting details in the Register during 2020-21 was enabled through:

  • Annual Vineyard record returns sent to all registered owners in December 2020 to capture changes;
  • Ongoing validation of vineyard owners’ requests for changes to their records via the online kiosk and by phone;
  • The completion of re-digitisation of Riverland vineyard planted area and identification of new vineyard plantings. A process is underway to re-digitise the Barossa region; and
  • Continued involvement in the conveyancing process during land sale to ensure current owner and planting details are maintained. This included:
    • 260 Section 7 letters generated
    • 178 sale transactions completed.