You were recently sent the 2021 South Australian Vineyard Owner Survey, via your preferred method of communication.

We conduct this important survey every few years to gauge:

1. Your understanding of biosecurity risks;

2. Your level of adoption of biosecurity and farm-gate hygiene practices; and

3. Your satisfaction with Vinehealth Australia’s activities and services.

“The survey is one of our tools for understanding exactly what South Australian vineyard owners are thinking and experiencing,” said Inca Lee, CEO of Vinehealth Australia.

“We feed the insights gained through the survey into our plans and activities to help protect your vineyards.

“We encourage you all to submit your completed survey to share your thoughts about biosecurity, Vinehealth Australia, your biosecurity activities and your plans for the future.”

The survey will remain open until midnight on Sunday 25 July. Complete the survey at this link.

All who complete the survey by the due date and supply their contact details, will go into the draw to win two of our popular biosecurity signs for their property. The winner will be notified in July.