The national Diploma of Viticulture has been updated and biosecurity is now one of six core units.

The Diploma of Viticulture qualification describes the skills and knowledge required of those in management roles within the viticulture industry. The new list of core subjects under the diploma are:

  • Plan and manage long-term weed, pest and disease control in crops.
  • Apply biosecurity measures.
  • Manage enterprise staff requirements.
  • Develop a grape production plan.
  • Monitor and manage soils for production.
  • Manage water systems.

In addition to the core subjects, participants must complete four elective units from a list of 21 topics.

The biosecurity unit describes the skills and knowledge required to interpret and apply control measures in a biosecurity plan to protect a property from the entry and spread of threats.

“We know good biosecurity management is vital to the sustainability of the Australian grape and wine industry, and we’re thrilled to see this addition to the Viticulture Diploma,” said Inca Lee, CEO of Vinehealth Australia.

Find out more here or contact TAFE SA Viticulture Lecturer Kirsty Waller on (08) 8562 0545 or email