An outbreak of Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) in metro Adelaide in early February combined with the nine metro outbreaks of Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly) has seen the Suspension Area boundaries encroaching on the Adelaide Hills towns of Piccadilly, Summertown and Ashton.

A number of grapegrowers have been identified as inside the Suspension Areas and should have already been contacted by PIRSA or Vinehealth Australia with information on movement requirements that now apply. These are for vineyard-specific practices and movements of grape material between vineyards and wineries/processing facilities, and will be in force until at least May 2021.

Vinehealth Australia has produced a Biosecurity Bulletin for metropolitan Adelaide fruit fly which explains these movement requirements and includes embedded links on page 3 to vineyard and winery accreditation Operational Procedures and application forms.

For any fruit moving out of an Outbreak or Suspension Area both the vineyard and winery must be accredited or certified. Timelines for processing of the accreditation need to be considered. Refer to Vinehealth Australia’s recent Biosecurity Alert for further detail.

“Given vintage has begun and the fruit fly situation in metropolitan Adelaide could change, it is critical for all Adelaide Hills growers, wineries receiving Adelaide Hills grapes and industry personnel working in the Adelaide Hills, to familiarise yourselves with the current Fruit Fly Affected Area boundaries, movement requirements and application procedures.  For vineyard owners, this includes having a pre-emptive conversation with your receiving wineries who may assist you, and calling Vinehealth Australia if you’d like to discuss your specific circumstances,” Vinehealth Australia’s Technical Manager Suzanne McLoughlin said.

For current industry information on these metropolitan Adelaide fruit fly outbreaks – including maps, a Biosecurity Bulletin outlining movement requirements for the wine industry and quarantine end dates, refer to Vinehealth’s Australia’s Metro Adelaide Fruit Fly Outbreaks webpage.

If you need help to identify if your property falls inside the Fruit Fly Affected Area, please call Suzanne McLoughlin on 0412 859 882. Note – this determination is made based on land parcel. If part of your land parcel is inside the Fruit Fly Affected Area, your vineyard or winery is considered to be inside the Fruit Fly Affected Area.

For all enquiries relating to these metropolitan Adelaide outbreaks, including assistance for accreditation and certification, call PIRSA on 08 8207 7814.

To report suspected fruit fly, phone the Fruit Fly Hotline on 1300 666 010.