A pathogenic fungus that eats fall armyworms from the inside out has been discovered by Queensland based agronomist Georgia Rodgers. The fungus might be a naturally occurring biocontrol for the pest.

“It’s pretty exciting,” Elders Northern Australia technical manager Maree Crawford told ABC news.

“We’ve been using lots of strategies around fall armyworm and we will hopefully have this natural control as part of our kit box.

“Basically, the fungus Nomuraea Rileyi is covering the whole fall armyworm and eating it. It impacts their whole system and acts similarly to Altacor, a key insecticide.”

Samples of the dead fall armyworms wrapped in the white fungus have been sent to a Queensland Department of Agriculture insect pathologist for further investigation.

Read the full story here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2021-02-04/fall-armyworm-fungus-in-fight-biological-control/13112420