Active outbreaks of Queensland fruit fly (Q-fly) in the Riverland region will have repercussions for the wine industry.

For winegrape growers, wineries and those involved in the harvest and movement of winegrapes in the Riverland, out of the Riverland and those likely to transit this region during vintage, you must be aware of and comply with the quarantine requirements associated with the outbreaks. Winegrapes are considered fruit fly host produce.

In late December 2020, Vinehealth Australia released Biosecurity Alerts advising industry of a Q-fly outbreak declared by PIRSA on 22 December in Renmark West, and a subsequent Q-fly outbreak declared by PIRSA on 30 December in Monash. While these are classified as separate outbreaks, the 15km suspension areas for each outbreak overlap in part.

Since the Renmark West outbreak was declared and original maps issued, the original 1.5km outbreak area was expanded to the south on 5 January 2021 and then again on 11 January 2021.

Vinehealth Australia has issued another Biosecurity Alert focused on the Riverland Q-fly outbreaks on 22 January 2021, to advise industry of an updated Biosecurity Bulletin containing current operational requirements for industry confirmed by PIRSA and revised maps of this outbreak.

  • Click here to view the current version 2.2 of the Biosecurity Bulletin.
  • Click here to view current maps associated with this outbreak.

Given that restrictions will still be in place when harvest commences, quarantine requirements for the movement of grapes within, out of and transiting through the outbreak or suspension areas for both the Renmark West and Monash fruit fly outbreaks will need to be complied with.

At this stage, if no further wild flies or larvae are detected, it is anticipated the quarantine zone for the Monash fruit fly outbreak will remain in place until at least 22 March 2021. The quarantine arrangements for the Renmark fruit fly outbreak are in place until at least 6 April 2021 (extended from 15th March as per the initial notification).

For further details and updates on these outbreaks, refer to PIRSA’s website.

For all commercial enquiries, please call the dedicated industry hotline on 1800 255 556 and for general enquiries, please call the Fruit Fly Hotline on 1300 666 010.

Vinehealth Australia will continue to work alongside PIRSA and Riverland Wine to support eradication programs and assist industry to comply with requirements.