The Board of Vinehealth Australia has overseen creation of draft strategic priorities for the organisation for 2021 to 2026.

Vinehealth Australia is seeking industry feedback on these priorities before finalising a new Strategic Agenda document for the next five years.

This new Strategy looks to build on Vinehealth Australia’s current strategic plan, Towards 2020, which successfully raised the profile of our biosecurity status as a key enabler to the future success of the grape and wine industries in Australia.

Over the course of several strategic sessions this year, the Board and staff of Vinehealth Australia have:

  • Assessed the biosecurity landscape together with the current operating environment for growers and winemakers
  • Identified opportunities to make the industry more resilient and future-focused
  • Defined the work needed to deliver results

Vinehealth’s draft strategic priorities cover five key areas:

  1. Solutions across the grape and wine supply chain
  2. Pest impacts minimised
  3. Regulatory environment shaped
  4. Stronger together
  5. A sustainable organisation

Click here to view the detail under each of these strategic priorities.

Vinehealth Australia is now seeking industry feedback on the priority areas, as to whether they address the biosecurity threats and concerns you have for your region and property now and into the future.

You can submit your feedback by:

  • Emailing your feedback to Inca Lee, Vinehealth Australia CEO, via
  • Phoning Inca Lee on 0418 818 543 to discuss your thoughts

Over the coming weeks we will also be meeting with state and regional grape and wine associations to discuss these priorities and to gain their thoughts.

Please submit feedback by 22 January 2021.

We encourage you to have your say to help shape the future of biosecurity management of the South Australian grape and wine industries.

The new Vinehealth Australia Strategic Agenda 2021 to 2026 will be finalised and launched in early 2021.