Vinehealth Australia has released its 2019/20 Annual Report, sharing key highlights and priorities for the future.

“The past 12 months have been challenging for South Australian vineyard owners with drought, low yields, bushfires and a pandemic to deal with,” said Inca Lee, Vinehealth Australia CEO.

“Through this turmoil, Vinehealth Australia has worked hard to ensure new pests, diseases and weeds are not introduced into South Australian vineyards.”

Of note, Vinehealth Australia invested significantly in leading the review of the state’s Plant Quarantine Standard with Biosecurity SA, with new phylloxera conditions written and released this year.

“These changes were informed by the evaluation of scientific knowledge, extensive consultation with industry, and our insights from working alongside industry and government for many years,” Inca said.

Also of note, Vinehealth Australia took 35 members of the wine industry to the Yarra Valley in November 2019 to see and hear firsthand about the impacts of phylloxera on that region.

“We learnt about the rate of spread of the pest and the low levels of replanting on phylloxera tolerant rootstocks. This tour reinforced the importance of preventative measures to stop the introduction and spread of phylloxera and timely access for growers to high-health planting material. This has led to the development of a rootstock supply demand project,” Inca said.

“And we continue to work in partnership with industry across the key themes of preparedness, prevention and response, to keep South Australian vineyards healthy and profitable into the long term.”

Click here to read the 2019/20 Vinehealth Australia Annual Report.