Vinehealth Australia is working on a new Strategic Plan, which will guide future operations.

The current plan, Towards 2020, was launched in July 2017. It was modelled as a whole of industry plan with the aim of raising the profile of biosecurity as a key risk to the future success of the Australian grape and wine industries.

“We’re pleased that this sentiment has been recognised by industry and that collective progress is being made on a range of fronts to address key biosecurity issues facing our industry. The biosecurity language presented in Towards 2020 is now also commonly used in the general vernacular among regional, state and national wine industry organisations and industry personnel,” said Inca Lee, Vinehealth Australia CEO.

“That plan also reinforced the key role that Vinehealth Australia commands as the anchor to driving the wine industry’s biosecurity preparedness.”

The Board of Vinehealth Australia met in early August to discuss strategic priorities for the next few years. Ongoing discussions and input from industry will also help shape the new Strategic Plan, which will be finalised before the end of the year.

“There is critical work to be done to protect vines from biosecurity threats, and that is our focus,” Inca said. “And we must continue to evolve and set the biosecurity agenda for the industry.”