Payment of 2019-20 Vinehealth Australia Notice of Assessments for South Australian vineyard owners was due on the 31 July 2020. A large proportion of vineyard owners have paid on or before this date. For this we extend our thanks.

There are some vineyard owners who are yet to pay, and we encourage you to do so immediately or get in touch with us to discuss. We welcome contact to discuss your particular situation.

Under the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995, owners of land in South Australia on which 0.5 hectares or more of vines (living or dead) are planted, are required to pay an annual contribution to fund biosecurity operations performed by Vinehealth Australia.

Vinehealth Australia carries out a range of activities to keep South Australian vineyards healthy and profitable into the long term. The focus is on delivering practical biosecurity benefits to vineyard owners, winemakers and all members of the grape and wine supply chain while assisting with all facets of biosecurity

As has been the case for many years, the rate of contribution remains unchanged at $9.50 per hectare, with a minimum of $50.

Contact our Office Manager Jo Bainbridge on 08 8273 0550 if you have any concerns about payment or the information contained on your Notice of Assessment.