We’ve been busy sharing our ‘factsheet for Australian wine personnel travelling overseas’ with all sorts of industry groups.

Cassandra Collins from the School of Agriculture, Food and Wine at the University of Adelaide is giving a copy of the factsheet to current students, with a particular focus on students about to undertake vintages overseas.

We’ve also shared the factsheet with Charles Sturt University and the Travelling Winemakers – Living the Dream Facebook group.

The factsheet provides tips about what to do with footwear and clothing worn in overseas vineyards, including best practice advice and alternative options.

“If you walk into vineyards as part of your work or home life and you’re heading overseas, familiarise yourself with these tips to minimise your chance of bringing grape phylloxera or exotic plant pests back from your travels,” said Suzanne McLoughlin, Vinehealth Australia Technical Manager.

You can download the factsheet here.