The South Australian wine industry operates amongst other horticultural industries in many areas of our state, including in the Riverland Pest Free Area (PFA). As a result, the wine industry plays an important role to help protect market access of these horticultural commodities.

In the event of a Queensland fruit fly (Qfly) outbreak in the Riverland PFA, detailed movement conditions for the South Australian wine industry will apply. These conditions target operational activities including the movement and processing of winegrapes, sending of diagnostic samples and cleaning of harvesters and regulated equipment. These requirements are put in place to limit the spread of Qfly within and out of an affected area and are mandatory for wine supply chain businesses to comply with.

As part of your vintage preparation, we recommend you review these movement conditions as documented in our second Biosecurity Bulletin: Queensland Fruit fly and South Australia’s Riverland wine industry. Familiarisation with these movement requirements prior to a Qfly outbreak will stand you in good stead to be able to act quickly to minimise operational downtime in light of an outbreak.

Note: Movement requirements documented in this Biosecurity Bulletin are relevant to businesses impacted by the current Lindsay Point Qfly outbreak. Movement requirements for this outbreak are in force until at least the 20 February 2020.

For all information relating to this outbreak, refer to the PIRSA website here. For further inquiries, contact PIRSA on (08) 8207 7814 or the dedicated industry number on 1800 255 556.