The Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995 (Act), states that any property with 0.5 hectares or more of planted vines is required to be registered in the Vinehealth Register. But what happens when you reduce your plantings below 0.5ha or remove your vines altogether?

The first thing to do is let Vinehealth Australia know; via email, phone call or letter. It is a requirement of the Act that changes to details must be notified to Vinehealth Australia within 3 months of the change. A Grower Exit Confirmation Form will then be posted or emailed to you, which will clearly state the land parcel, certificate of title (CT) detail and street address of the property that has been removed of vines. It is required that a date be recorded (month and year as a minimum), and the reason you have removed the vines. You are required to complete, sign and return the Grower Exit Confirmation Form as soon as possible.

Why do we need a date? We ask for a date so we can work out the po-rata contribution owing for the period of when the vines were in the ground.

Why do we need a reason? Vinehealth Australia collects this to help identify wine industry trends and issues and to help inform future research priorities. The data is not shared with any other organisation or person.

My vines are dead or not viable for production. Am I eligible to sign the form to exit the Vineyard Register? The Act states that a vine, meaning “a grape vine, alive or dead, or any vine cutting or part of a vine”, be recorded in the Register. This is due to the biosecurity risk that vine material in the ground can still pose. Removal from the Register requires removal of the vines from the ground.

Upon receipt of the signed documentation, Vinehealth Australia will conduct standard cross checks by reviewing aerial imagery. Vinehealth Australia may request further evidence of removal such as photos if required. Please note that providing false or misleading information to Vinehealth Australia can lead to penalties.

An invoice will be generated for the period of time that the vines were in the ground and requires payment before the vineyard and/or your Grower Number becomes INACTIVE. Once INACTIVE you will cease to receive any further correspondence from Vinehealth Australia. You can however continue to receive the e-news if you want to say up to date with industry news. If you would like to unsubscribe to the Vinehealth Australia e-news, please use the Unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email.