Vinehealth Australia’s industry consultation on proposed changes to phylloxera conditions within South Australia’s Plant Quarantine Standard is coming to a close on 30 June.

We have undertaken significant industry consultation since November 2018. All meetings held with industry have been resoundingly positive and valuable feedback was logged from each session.

We have considered all feedback received to date and have produced a modified single condition (Condition 7) for grape phylloxera. This new version 2.0 Condition 7 can be accessed here and includes highlighted changes from the original proposed Condition 7 version 1.1.

In addition, we have documented responses to the feedback we received during the industry consultation sessions to share how this feedback has been addressed in the proposed Condition 7 version 2.0. You can access the feedback report here.

If you have any feedback you’d like to submit on this proposed version 2.0 of the consolidated Condition 7 prior to close of the industry consultation period on June 30, we welcome you to either use our purpose-built industry consultation webpage, which houses all relevant background documents and feedback forms, or to submit feedback via email to