In the next few weeks, SA vineyard owners will receive a copy of their annual Vineyard Record. We send this out at the end of each year so that vineyard owners can check the planting and contact details and provide details of any changes.
Changes can be recorded on the paper copy of the Vineyard Record and returned to Vinehealth Australia, or electronically via the Grape Industry Kiosk, which can be accessed through Vinehealth Australia’s website.
SA vineyard owners are reminded that it is a requirement of the Phylloxera & Grape Industry Act 1995 that any changes to contact and plantings details be provided to Vinehealth Australia within three months of the change. It is essential that contact and planting details are accurate and maintained to enable Vinehealth Australia to respond to and manage a biosecurity incursion.
Please note that changes made in the kiosk require not only saving but ‘submitting’. That means an extra button to click. Currently there are more than 40 records that are ‘pending’ in the kiosk, meaning they have been saved but have not been ‘submitted’. Successful submissions of changes will result in a confirmation email being sent. If you haven’t received the confirmation email, it means the changes have not been submitted. See the infographic here for a handy guide.
Also pursuant to the Phylloxera & Grape Industry Act 1995, the ‘Grower Main Contact’ details must reflect the details recorded with the Lands Titles Office. Changes to records can only be made by the main contact or an authorised person. The main contact person must inform Vinehealth Australia of authorised persons in writing by emailing
You’ll notice that this year the Vineyard Record form looks a little different. The notable changes include the recording of the ‘unique serial numbers’ allocated to each planting record, which must be referenced when detailing any changes. It’s important to cross check the estimated area under vine marked on the map, with the total area recorded in the planting details. All areas are reported in hectares.
As always, if you have any issues or concerns about your Vineyard Record Return, please contact Vinehealth Australia Office Manager Jo Bainbridge for a chat, Monday to Thursday between 8.30am and 4.30pm.