The 2018 South Australian Vineyard Owner Survey, conducted by Vinehealth Australia, revealed that while most growers regularly inspect their vines for signs of anything usual, only 20% provide farm-gate hygiene training for their staff and contractors.

This is concerning, given that vineyard owners also believe contractors and seasonal workers are most likely to introduce pests, disease and weeds into their vineyards.

These were just two of the topics in the survey, which aimed to ascertain the level of adoption of biosecurity and farm-gate hygiene practices by South Australian growers and seek feedback on Vinehealth Australia’s activities and services.

The survey was distributed to all South Australian vineyard owners and operators listed in the Vineyard Register, with 2,355 distributed by email and 1,131 by post, totalling 3,486 surveys. We received 381 responses, 11% higher than our last survey in 2015. Respondents covered all major South Australian wine regions.

Other key results from the survey included:

  • 59% of vineyard owners are planning to use rootstocks for new plantings;
  • 51% do not have a biosecurity plan in place for their vineyard;
  • 17% keep a visitor register/log;
  • 39% check machinery and equipment coming onto their property;
  • 62% believe contractors are likely to introduce pests, diseases and weeds into their vineyards;
  • 46% believe seasonal workers are most likely to introduce pests, diseases and weeds into their vineyards;
  • 39% believe tourists are likely to introduce pests, diseases and weeds into their vineyards.

A more detailed analysis of the results of the Vineyard Owner Survey is being conducted and a report will be distributed to all registered vineyard owners in September. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy the accompanying infographics that summarise two of the key questions mentioned in this article.