You may have seen us in your region recently. We’ve been roaming the countryside with other key industry bodies in a roadshow organised by the Wine Grape Council of SA (WGCSA).

CEO Inca Pearce and Technical Manager Suzanne McLoughlin delivered Vinehealth Australia’s key biosecurity messages to growers, including:

  • What is biosecurity?
  • What are Vinehealth Australia’s core functions as a statutory body under the Phylloxera and Grape Industry Act 1995 and the importance of our vineyard register?
  • What are our current projects?
  • What does our current biosecurity landscape look like and why is protecting vineyards against pests including phylloxera more challenging than ever before?
  • What are the economic realities of an outbreak? Investment in prevention activities yields a far greater economic return that having to eradicate, contain or manage a pest or disease following an incursion.
  • What are some of the important pest and disease threats to vines to look out for?
  • Why is biosecurity a shared responsibility?
  • Who are your risk creators?
  • What are the top 10 farm-gate hygiene practices to protect the health of vines?
  • How can Vinehealth Australia help growers in their quest to be biosecurity-ready?

The roadshows included presentations by Wine Australia, the South Australian Wine Industry Association, Australian Vignerons and The Australian Wine Research Institute.

In their segment, WGCSA presented the case for a change of the Council’s contribution (levy) rate. For more information about WGCSA’s proposal, contact WGCSA’s Business Manager Lisa Bennier on 0419 039 508 or email ​