This fact sheet series was developed by Vinehealth Australia for vineyard owners in South Australia and other states and regions.

Its purpose is to share key learnings from Yarra Valley vineyard owners about phylloxera’s impact in the Yarra Valley, which has been significant – financial, logistical and social.

The fact sheet series covers:

  • What happened
  • Impacts
  • Key learnings
  • What would the Yarra Valley do differently?
  • What is the Yarra Valley doing now?
  • What the Yarra Valley wishes it had done

Vinehealth Australia thanks Wine Yarra Valley, vineyard owners in the Yarra Valley, and Agriculture Victoria for their valuable input into this fact sheet series.


Yarra Valley Fact Sheet Series: Learnings for your region

Yarra Valley Fact Sheet 1: What happened

Yarra Valley Fact Sheet 2: Impacts

Yarra Valley Fact Sheet 3: Key learnings

Yarra Valley Fact Sheet 4: What would the Yarra Valley do differently?

Yarra Valley Fact Sheet 5: What is the Yarra Valley doing now?

Yarra Valley Fact Sheet 6: What the Yarra Valley wishes it had done