Tip #1: Contractors play a key role in many vineyard operations. What are your expectations for your contractors in relation to biosecurity and farm-gate hygiene?

Tip #2: Do you insist and check that all machinery and equipment coming onto your vineyard is free of soil and plant material and complies with state quarantine regulations for cleaning and sterilisation if necessary?

Tip #3: Do you provide the equipment and appropriate volumes of water and solutions needed for footbaths, which can be moved around the site as required? Check our Footwear Disinfestation Procedure for help with this.

Tip #4: Do you provide suitable ‘clean out’ facilities on your property, including washdown and cleaning areas for equipment and machinery, with appropriate volume and pressure of water and cleaning solutions?

Tip #5: Why not detail your biosecurity expectations and requirements in your standard service agreement? We have some resources to assist. Phone us on (08) 8273 0550 for help.

Tip #6: Do your contractors know about the Naracoorte Heat Shed for machinery and equipment disinfestation when moving into and out of the Limestone Coast? Contact Sarah Bird on 0429 430 641 to book your session.

Tip #7: A pest outbreak would be devastating for you and your contractors. Business continuity is everything. Have the important conversations now about how you can work together to implement best practice farm-gate hygiene.