As vintage 2021 approaches, what score would you give yourself in relation to biosecurity preparedness?

If you’re like most of us, you probably have a long list of jobs to do. We’re here to help. Our handy Vinehealth Australia Vintage Toolkit includes a range of resources to help you keep your vines safe, and covers:

  • Understanding your key biosecurity risks;
  • Visitor planning;
  • Preventing unwanted entry to your property;
  • Keeping visitor records;
  • Communicating with seasonal workers on biosecurity;
  • Disinfesting footwear and small hand tools; and
  • Moving diagnostic samples

“During vintage there is significant movement of people around vineyards, undertaking activities such as pest and disease monitoring, checking irrigation, maturity sampling, berry tasting to set harvest dates and, of course, harvesting,” said Inca Lee, Vinehealth Australia CEO.

“Some of these people may have worked in other states or regions before visiting your vineyard and could pose a risk of introducing and spreading pests, diseases and weeds to your vineyard.

“Machinery and equipment will also likely be moved onto and off of your property, including grape harvesters, tractors, bin trailers and grape bins and the movement of trucks to deliver empty grape bins and take away full grape bins for processing.

“Best practice is to ensure all machinery and equipment coming onto your property is clean of soil and grapevine material before it enters, and that it leaves in the same condition. And, that it meets all regulatory import requirements into your state and phylloxera management zone.”