Agriculture Victoria has confirmed new phylloxera detections in the Yarra Valley – both inside the current Maroondah Phylloxera Infested Zone (PIZ) and outside the PIZ in the Phylloxera Risk Zone (PRZ) to the south-east of the Maroondah PIZ, near Yarra Junction.
All detections were as a result of industry self-reporting. The detections within the PIZ have been confirmed as the G1 strain, the same as that of other vineyards inside the Maroondah PIZ. Strain typing is still underway for the detection in the PRZ.
- The detections within the PIZ will result in an extension to the eastern edge of the current Maroondah PIZ boundary, referred to as the ‘Badger Creek extension’.
- The PRZ detection has resulted in a separate 5km buffer area being created.
Refer to the Agriculture Victoria Industry Notice dated February 2020 (link no longer active on Ag Vic website), including a map for further information.
Agriculture Victoria has advised that the currently isolated detection in the PRZ adjacent to the Maroondah PIZ is not expected to become a separate PIZ, but is likely to be integrated into an extended Maroondah PIZ.
The Badger Creek extension (shown as the purple crosshatch on the Agriculture Victoria map) and the new 5km buffer area in the PRZ (shown in orange on the map) are considered Phylloxera Interim Buffer Zones (PIBZ) under SA’s Plant Quarantine Standard while they are pending gazettal as a PIZ.
Phylloxera prevention
Phylloxera can be picked up and spread by the following vectors:
- Grapes and grape-related material (wine, juice, must, marc)
- Machinery and equipment
- Diagnostic samples and vineyard soil
If you are moving any of the above ‘phylloxera risk vectors’ between phylloxera management zones (PIZ, PIBZ, PRZ and Phylloxera Exclusion Zone) within or between States you must comply with State movement conditions.
Footwear and clothing can also pick up and spread phylloxera, but people movement is not regulated. It is your responsibility to be aware of and implement best-practice farm-gate hygiene for phylloxera which will hold you in good stead for prevention of all pests, diseases and weed incursions.
Penalties for non-compliance with conditions of entry for regulated pests and their vectors as detailed in Plant Quarantine Standards (or their equivalent in each State), apply across the country. In SA, under the Plant Heath Act 2009, penalties are up to $100,000 for companies and $20,000 for individuals.
As part of Biosecurity SA’s program to check compliance, random roadblocks have increased by 43% over the last year. This is on top of the static biosecurity stations at Pinnaroo and Yamba.
We will keep industry informed about these detections as new information is provided by Agriculture Victoria.
For enquiries please contact Tony Battaglene, Chief Executive, Australian Grape & Wine: 0413 014 807, Inca Lee, CEO, Vinehealth Australia: 0418 818 543 or your state regulator.