Ever struggled to negotiate your way through state plant quarantine standards? Vinehealth Australia has started work on an online winegrape biosecurity quarantine legislation tool to help you understand the legal requirements of moving phylloxera vectors between locations.
Vinehealth Australia is working with quarantine regulators to present regulations in a more user-friendly online manner. “We feel that designing a tool to raise awareness of these movement requirements will facilitate increased compliance among users of the tool,” says Vinehealth Australia CEO Inca Pearce. “Currently, the South Australia element of the tool is live, and we’re now working on the national platform.”
The tool utilises the conditions pertaining to phylloxera in each state’s Plant Quarantine Standards and presents them in a simple, easy to use way. Users choose the item (vector) they want to move between states or between phylloxera zones within states, e.g., diagnostic samples, used vineyard machinery or soil, then select the origin and associated phylloxera zone, and then the destination and associated phylloxera zone. Users are then presented with the movement requirements with which they need to comply, as well as links to application documentation and relevant contact details.
Vinehealth Australia is working closely with state government departments to ensure the content in this tool remains current.
To view the biosecurity quarantine legislation tool, click here.