This series of maps and supporting data provides information about all varieties of grapevines grown in South Australia’s 18 official Geographical Indication (GI) wine regions. Regional breakdowns, including information about the most prevalent and less common varieties grown, can be selected from the dropdown menu.

This series of maps and data provides a complete breakdown of plantings and GI regions by grape variety. The regions in which each variety can be found are colour-coded. Use the dropdown menu to select the variety.

From this series of maps and data, users can find the rootstock of all grapevine plantings in South Australia. Use the dropdown menu to select there rootstock.

This map allows users to view classification of Phylloxera Management Zones in relation to specific Geographical Indication (GI) wine regions.


All maps and statistics are updated in real time as vineyard owners and growers update their records through the PGIBSA’s online Grape Industry Kiosk.